Monday, April 4, 2011

Give It Time

Things seem to be falling into place. It has been awhile since I've blogged and will try to add new pix later, but don't have the patience for the slow internet connection right now. I was realizing this week how truly lucky I am to have had this experience and such a great opportunity to see the world and take time to think about what I really want.

While not everything has gone as planned (housing, weather, and a few others) it has all seemed to work out that way for a reason. I never would have ended up in Tangier without the promise of a free place to crash, but am so glad I will be able to spend 2 months here. My procrastination/patience (however you want to view it) has been rewarded most of the time with cheap plane tickets, free places to stay in tropical locations, and diversions from my itinerary that turn out to actually be the best thing!

I now have 2 weeks left in Tangier and 3 weeks total left in Morocco. I will spend the third week seeing two cities that I want to see before I head out and maybe dropping off additional CVs in the capital city. From there (cue jealousy:) I will fly to Phuket, Thailand to stay with a former colleague who is also job hunting (thank you thank you!) in an extra room for a week. Finally, I will head to Bangkok to 'pound the pavement' and will volunteer outside of the city after a week or so if no opportunities have been found. So that is the new plan.

It is getting warm in Tangier which means my wardrobe has expanded exponentially from the fleece and sweater I wore over every article of clothing for the 4 weeks pre-Marrakesh. There are two new volunteers in the apartment (both German) who are loads of fun, we get a long great! And this week I realized that I can check off 2 goals pre-30th birthday!

1. Learn a new language. Check. I may not be perfect but I can carry on a conversation and understand most of what the other person is saying!
2. Living in an Islamic country. I've just always been fascinated by Islam so this has been a great experience! I realize Morocco is a pretty open-minded country vs. some of its neighbors, but I figure I will visit those neighbors at some point. Once I've conquered french, hopefully arabic will follow....inshallah :)

More posts to come (really, they will) but just wanted to share my feelings of contentedness with everyone. Hope you are well and feel free to send me a skype or an email when you get the chance!


Unknown said...

Fun to see what's new, Kaie! Glad to hear you're rocking the new language and awesome exotic locale of Tangier. I'm confident your day was much more exciting than mine today- 6 hours of jury duty followed by a few hours in the office. It IS freekin' gorgeous in DC tonight though, and our Salvadoran vecinos are loving the soccer in the park tonight. Cuidate bien!

MiniMeevin said...

Yeah pre-30th birthday happenings!!! How's the weather along the coast in Tangier? We finally had a sunny spring day today. I told one of my 2nd graders that I had a friend visiting Morocco (where' he grew up) and he was elated! He's like, tell her to go here, try this, see this - so cute!

Unfortunately I had to take a sick day b/c of sad lil' Anna, but hey, at least it was a sunny one! I think in my next life I'm going to be a doctor or a lawyer - that way, I'll get paid big bucks no matter if I solve something or not!!!

lori said...

great to hear from you :) enjoy the rest of your journey through morocco! also, a friend is going on a rotation there from june-november, wish you two could have crossed paths!