Saturday, March 12, 2011

Highlights of Week 3

  • Seeing one film entirely in Arabic with no subtitles, then seeing another film in Arabic, German, French, and a little bit of English with no subtitles. (Both were rumored to have french subtitles but I got most of the movies anyway.
  • Attention former PCVs from Ecuador: Shwarma Pizza. Literally shwarma on a pizza. I am not that into shwarma but couldn't resist trying a piece of my friend's just to have the experience.
  • Speaking a lot of Spanish. I know I am supposed to be speaking more french but there are just sooo many espanoles here that I can't help myself!
  • On that note, realizing that I can actually hold down a short conversation in french that involves more than ordering a coffee or asking for directions. Thus....
  • I've decided to stay here for an additional month! All lodging and tutoring is confirmed so I am here til mid-April!
And that is the week's wrap up. Have a good weekend and get on skype if you want to catch up during the week! (ksciarini) Here is a favorite picture of the town of Assilah taken 2 weeks ago.

1 comment:

Julia said...

Katie, it sounds like you are having an amazing time - I love all of your pics! It's terrific that you're staying another month... keep the great stories coming.