Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Adventure Begins

It is exactly twenty minutes into the first day of my journey (this one to NY) and 19 minutes ago my car insurance ended and I signed the title over to my roommate. An hour ago I was presented with a parting gift from queridos roommates at 3622 and roughly 2 hours ago I received a quite unexpected email telling me that my accommodation in Tangier (dirty coastal city #3) was no longer certain. And I am off! Perhaps to a bit of a rocky start but I guess it is all part of the adventure and as one roommate put it when she heard the news 'Really, you thrive off of this stuff. You will be fine.' And I will. In roughly 12 hours I will leave for the airport with my two backpacks and the well wishes of friends. 72 hours ahead will find me on a night flight to Spain. And in one week's time I can't tell you where I will be sleeping but am certain I will already have a few stories to tell.

Welcome to my adventure of languages, foods, cities, landscapes, self-discovery, and the occasional rant. I hope that through my writing I can take you all with me. Please excuse any boring posts, any spelling or grammatical errors, any random words in foreign languages (or entire posts in foreign languages for that matter!), references to Eat Pray Love, explicit soul searching (the external communicator that I am!), or confusing passages. I aim to filter as little as possible and let the moment take me. Thanks for reading!


Anonymous said...

I will be an avid reader! Can't wait to live vicariously through you! Be safe! ~Kristin

Anonymous said...

Woot! You really did quote me! I meant what I said - you will not just survive, you really will thrive. Not everyone could, but you will. I'm loving your adventure so far and miss you already. Can't wait to read more. -Heidi

Anonymous said...

Don't forget to dance :)- guess ;)

Anonymous said...

Hope you had a safe flight to Spain! Can't wait to hear about your adventures via your blog! Love, Eileen