Monday, February 20, 2012

What is really happening on the border...

Please take the time to read the following two articles. Both give some insight into the realities on the Thai-Burma border/ situation in Burma. Even though the recent changes in Burma seem to be quite progressive and the West appears to be plunging in to invest at break-neck speed, there is still a mighty long way to go before those who have fled can go home and real change is made to the way Burma is run.

Sadly the article on the exodus of donors from the border does not highlight the issues of migrants quite as much as refugees. While refugees have a legal  status (at least in the camps) because of a founded fear of persecution, migrants do not. This does not mean that migrants have come to Thailand just for economic reasons, but since the camps were closed to new registrants a few years ago, they just have fewer resources and chances for a new life. That being said, if Thailand decides to close the camps and send the inhabitants home they may all become 'migrants'.

Anyhow, please take the time to read these interesting perspectives that don't necessarily appear so often in the larger media outlets:

1 comment:

Kristin Orig said...

Wow! Keep fighting the good fight! Thanks for sharing those articles.